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Website translation is the process of converting original or source language into a different target language.  It sometimes includes both the text and attached multimedia. Website translation is word-to-word translation of source of language without changing the authenticity, and context of the website content.


A multi-lingual website translation can be your gateway to expand your reach worldwide. With your content available in various languages you not only target the English speakers, but Non-English speakers spread throughout.  Usually such multi-lingual website translations are done by utilizing both AI and human resources.

The use of website translation in multiple languages has gained momentum especially after the pandemic. Lately the marketing industry has been completely digitalized. In the given scenario it’s important for you to curate content that not only reaches out to the mass but also makes a personal connection with them


The answer is a big yes, you should. Content creation takes tremendous efforts and analysis.  Any business that aims to expand globally must consider the language barriers in effective communication.  The AI plug-ins used for translations often end up giving nonsensical results.

According to various reports, it has been observed that web users tend to spend more time on websites in their native language. The consumers also form a connection and trust websites that have utilized both global and native languages. It is important to note that, any person who has been reading content in their second language, finds content in their native language to be a breath of fresh air.

Multi lingual websites help you enhance your brand value by connecting you to your prospects, and all this without losing your authenticity. To get your message conveyed effectively Website translation by experts is the way to go ahead.

  1. Customer base

Statistics show that around 72% people spend maximum time surfing website in their native language.  From psychological standpoint, customers are more inclined in trusting a website in their native language.

  1. Market competition

Your competition might have a better reach because of website translation, while your reach gets limited. With an efficient multilingual website you stand a better chance to create customized content for foreign clients and capitalizing on same.

  1. Enhanced SEO

A translation agency does not give you word to word translation only; it also furnishes global and multilingual SEO. Global SEO is an effective way to have strong international presence and drive traffic to your website.

  1. Increased brand value

When you provide your users with an option to view content in a language they prefer, it shows your respect and appreciation towards them.  It shows that you are an authentic business with a global client base. This not only helps them to connect with you but also creates a positive brand image.

  1. Increased conversion rates

With a better connection to your website, your viewers automatically start to trust your services. This simulates your viewers/prospects conversion into your consumers.

  1. High revenue

With higher conversion rates, your business takes a huge leap in revenue generation. This provides you with higher revenue.



Multi lingual translation is an important part of your business strategy.  To get optimum benefits out of translation services, you must invest in it only after doing extensive market research. Before making your decision, look for the following things:

  • The demographics

Make a precise list of your targeted countries and regions.

  • Understanding their requirement
  • The needs of your consumers change as per their demographics, thus it’s important to understand the products and services they are interested in.
  • Languages

Many countries have speakers from multiple languages. Even though you target a single country, you must know about the details of their linguistic patterns.


  1. Accurate translation in 100+ language

With 99% translation accuracy, our experts provide website translation in over 100 languages. Our translation expertise ranges in various domains from medical, technology, legal and many more.

  1. Content strategy

We analyze market trends and linguistic patterns, to curate best translation results. Our experts translate your source content in such away that it’s easily comprehendible while still carrying original message.

  1. Multilingual SEO

To develop a global SEO, we aim at translation along with SEO enhancement. Our experts comply with multilingual SEO guidelines while translating your website to rank it under international SEO.


Our experts furnish SEO complying translation in 100+ languages to expand your business reach globally. We ensure to deliver our projects before deadlines while adhering to quality content.

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