Targeting Global Market with Multilingual Website Transaction

Targeting Global Market with Multilingual Website Transaction

There is no locality on the web- every market is a global market.- Ethan Zuckerman

Globally acknowledged online businesses are on a constant look out for better website optimization for its international prospects. With English being assumed to be a global language, websites often forget that there are several countries that either don’t understand language, or prefer their native language over anything else. Only about 30 % of online users are English speakers, and if you choose only a single language for your website you are probably missing out on the other 70%.


Act local market global. – Norm Bond

As soon as your website goes live on the internet you have gone global. Whether you are a small scale locally operating business or a large scale international business, it creates no difference. Your online presence in itself means that you have a global presence. Any person from around the globe may come across your website and you are on an international database.

But does that mean you have a global reach? To answer this lets go through a simple example. When we search for something on the internet sometimes we come across pages that are in a different language and are unable to understand anything. Even though the website has a global presence but it hasn’t reached appropriate clientele. And even though their services match your profile, it becomes useless.

Global reach means getting your content delivered and message conveyed to your targeted consumers. Unlike, mere global presence the end result of global reach is target conversion.  A global website uses techniques to connect with clients worldwide and build its brand value.


A global brand building strategy is, in reality, a local plan for every market. – Martin Lendstorm

Website translation is the tool that helps you not just gain more viewers but also enhances your conversion rates. The world has more than 69,000 languages and if you design your website in a single language, there are high chances you are missing out on majority of web users. According to a report, users tend to spend more time on websites in their native language. They also trust these languages much more when compared to one with a foreign language.

The digital space has cut throat competition in every sector. If you are unable to take leverage of the existing factors, you will most probably not end up being on your users search results. For better e-commerce results it’s important to employ strategies that are customized as per your users’ interest. For a visitor to spend more time with you, they must understand the concept of your products and service. Along with attractive designing, users comfort and approach should be of prime importance.

5 things to understand for a global market reach

  1. Market research

Before entering a market with a half-baked strategy, you must have a thorough understanding the values your market holds. When you are trying to penetrate a new market, you should research the language, cultural and moral values. Identifying the local requirements and making desired changes in your website is the first step to connect with your prospective.

2. Know your language

Entering a new global market requires extensive research. With several countries having multiple language speakers, you need to identify the most appropriate language for your consumers. Since every product or service has different clientele, choose a language that resonates with your targeted group.

3. Professional service providers

Creating a global service providing website requires not just your research but meticulous implementation of your perspective.  A global website should be easy to access and navigate.  One must consider the linguistic, cultural and other basic conditions to create an attractive website.  Hiring a professional service provider not only grants you access to language specialists but they will walk you through the entire process for your better understanding. Thus investing in professional translation service provider is essential.

4. SEO approach

With the crowd on digital space it’s often difficult for websites to get sufficient visibility. Nevertheless, with best SEO practices for that particular demographic you can rank your website higher. This can also be done by expert agencies, with similar portfolio.  You should target local search engines, local key words, modified domains, etc.  A well translated website with proper SEO Strategies generates higher traffic.

5. Legal regulations

In certain countries, website translation in vernacular languages is a legal obligation. You should consider the laws and regulations of the country you are targeting. In certain countries, failure to provide translated websites attracts hefty fines and punishment.

A brand is no longer what we tell consumer it is—it is what consumers tell each other it is. – Scott Cook

An effective website translation is taking agile approach to understand the targeted consumers.  If your customers are satisfied and comfortable with your brand, it will always help you gain more prospects due to the word of mouth marketing. With better website building you are also investing in your prospect building.

The high tech era has also given an edge to companies with its default translation option.  This feature though convenient, may give you nonsensical results.  One of the reasons companies opt for website translation services by experts is because these default translating features do not convey your message effectively. Apart from that, the major benefit of translation service is that your customers in various demographics feel appreciated. It’s always better to have a clientele that trust your brand. The web world is getting updated every passing minute, and if you fail to recognize these patterns you might get behind in the line. As a global company, it is your responsibility to appreciate the changes in e-commerce and adapt to them. Getting stuck with outdated strategies will not lead you to your desired destination.  A generic website will keep your consumer base restricted, whereas if you curate your content in such a way that it resonates with each of your local/foreign targeted markets chances of getting higher traffic increase.

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