Why is Localization Important for the FinTech Industry?

Why is Localization Important for the FinTech Industry?

The FinTech industry has been booming of late. In this age of technology and automation, implementing FinTech into businesses can improve financial services and, subsequently, fetch great results. Since the industry has roots extending beyond borders, let us look at why localisation plays a crucial role in developing a company’s financial reach to clients.

What is FinTech Industry

FinTech is a term coined using the words ‘financial’ and ‘technology.’ This nebulous term often refers to any evolving technology that aids consumers or financial institutions to deliver financial services in newer and hassle-free methods than traditionally available processes. 

Fintech refers to software, algorithms, and applications for computers and mobile-based tools, and in some cases, it includes hardware, like connected piggy banks or virtual reality trading platforms. Instances of Fintech are depositing a paycheck by snapping a photo on smartphones and uploading it to the bank’s mobile app, and at dinner, splitting the tab using PayPal, tapping the phone at the bar to pay for a drink with Google Pay, and many more. 

FinTech was the unsung hero of everyone’s Friday nights. This article will discuss how FinTech is knocking down the old silos and helping bolster consumers’ financial outcomes by leveraging advanced technology.

Fuelling the Growth of the FinTech Industry

Whether purchasing at a local vegetable vendor, going online for financial transactions, or using apps that track spending, FinTech is everywhere.

The services of Fintech are furnished in First Wave Sectors, that scale rapidly, and Second Wave Sectors, which scale considerably slower and have more regulations and risks involved, with challenging customer acquisitions.

First Wave Sectors

First wave sectors include peer-to-peer lending, capital raising (crowdfunding), and online or mobile deposits. We have discussed these below.

  1. Peer-to-peer Lenders 

This enables individuals to obtain loans directly from other individuals, cutting out the financial institution as the middleman. The process shortens the approval time to hours by matching borrowers to investors. 

To illustrate peer-to-peer lenders, we can look at these companies: 

  • Lendbox 
  • Faircent
  • Finxy
  • Rupeecircle
  • Monexo, and many more non-bank lenders. 
  • Crowdfunding 

This is a method of raising funds for a specific cause or project. An online process helps charities and entrepreneurs raise small amounts of money from large groups of people. Crowdfunding is often performed with social networks, considered easy-peasy for supporters to share a cause or project with their social networks.

  • Kickstarter
  • Wishberry
  • FuelADream and a few other companies are the top crowdfunding sites in India.
  1. On-line Payments 

These platforms help transfer money with just a tap on our mobile phones. These payments do not require the bank account details of the receiver. 


  • PayPal
  • PhonePe
  • GooglePay

Second Wave Sectors

Robo-advising, insurance, digital security, and BlockChain are involved in Second Wave Sectors. 

  1. Robo-advising 

Investment planning seems like a daunting task. So, a digital financial advisor is brought into the scenario to equip customers with financial guidance and manage investments with much lesser human intervention.

Robo-advisors deliver advice digitally based on inputs received from the investor. They use algorithms to match portfolios to customers’ risk preferences.  

Examples of Robo-Advisors include:

  • Angel Broking ARQ
  • 5Paisa Auto Investor
  • Scripbox
  • FundsIndia, and many other companies
  1. Blockchain and Bitcoin

Exchanges and banks are developing applications using blockchain, the free database that processes Bitcoin (electronic cash) transactions.

  1. Insurance

To cut the time taken to buy life insurance products, from weeks to minutes, and achieve higher savings and efficiency, traditional companies invest in Insurtech start-ups. 

FinTech offered services in first wave sectors, with around 70% of start-ups falling under this category across the globe. In recent times, the second wave sector has seen a hike, which broadened the scope of financial technology. Cryptocurrencies are building momentum with the potential to transform the technology that goes well beyond finance. 

Data Localisation in FinTech

The utmost goals of the government behind data localization are national safety, security, and wealth creation.

What is Localisation

Landing on a website that was not intended for you is like traveling to a foreign country you had not planned to visit. You struggle to comprehend the signs (currencies) and search for something familiar.

If you have ever faced such a situation, you will understand the significance of localisation even if you are unaware of its definition.Localisation is the process of adopting a content or product to a specified market or area. 

Localization comprises of adapting elements to a target market, including:

  • Revising graphics and design to display the translated text
  • Modifying content to suit preferences
  • Conversion process involving the conversion of local currencies and units of measurement
  • Properly formatting dates, addresses, and phone numbers
  • Addressing local regulations and legal requirements

Successful localisation in the FinTech sector will enable the users to have a tremendous financial impact. The essential factors are to ensure that information can be precisely translated and provided as quickly as customers need it.

The Prominence of Localisation in FinTech

FinTech is an industry that is not defined by boundaries, giving it the ability to furnish customers with access to the tools they need. Businesses are hindering their potential client base by restricting themselves to one language or region. Localisation aids companies reach new customers and ensuring they have an untroubled user experience.

Providing accurate information is pivotal. Customers should be unequivocal that the information, including industry concepts, is precise and clear. For an enhanced customer experience, localisation is the key.

Earning your customers’ trust is vital for growth. When you have established trust among the customers, it will attract more customers. FinTech businesses can amplify the clients’ experience by paying attention to various factors, including accurate translation, designs accommodating regional languages, cultural sensitivity, and customer service. 

Working with FinTech experts who understand the subject matter and the local language and culture is crucial for an optimized customer experience.

Alpha Data Leads provides a better platform for all localization services and 24/7 assistance to all your queries related to Financial translational services. Book a call @+91-8971815739 or mail at info@alphadataleads.comto provide your brand the best localization services and be the top player in the industry. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Why do businesses need localizations?

Localization is much more than direct translation. It supports a more appealing user experience for a diverse clientele. Localisation is refining and adapting content to resonate with the culture and meet local peculiarities.

  • How can localisation help your business?

Localisation can accelerate the process of entering a new market. Localised products help knock down cultural barriers. As a result, customers like to spread the word about the product. Companies that localise content see improvements in engagement and market share from an ever more diverse clientele.

  • Why do we need localisation services?

Localisation will help the users enter new markets easily while the content shows a company’s dedication to its customers. A bigger crowd means more potential for revenue, and if the users localise their product effectively, they are bound to see an increase.

  • What is localisation, and mention its significance?

Adapting content, products, and services to the local markets is known as localisation. To stay pertinent in the global sphere, one has to communicate with their audiences effectively. Localisation will play a critical role in a company’s success. 

  • How to get started with localization?

Plan, research, build a team, fix an ideal localisation management software, work on ASO/SEO strategies, and then run multiple tests. The users can break their business localization project down into an achievable bite-sized project by following the steps mentioned above.

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